Perry County Mobility Management (PCMM) was established in May of 2018 in response to the need identified in the 2016 Perry County Transportation Coordinated Plan, to secure & launch a mobility management program in our community.


It is the role of the Perry County Mobility Manager, to provide transportation options to individuals experiencing travel barriers and to introduce the community to mobility resources they may not be aware are available. Identifying, solutioning, and connecting transportation services for individuals, serves to ensure access to critical life sustaining resources such as healthcare, employment, nutrition, recreation, addiction services and so much more.


PCMM provides options to mobility solutions that help residents in our rural area access critical resources and services within their communities and beyond. Educating the public on ride solutions and opportunities has helped ease social isolation and improve critical service delivery.


PCMM serves the community as a whole and places an emphasized focus on serving the elderly, disabled and disadvantaged populations.

PCMM’s local success with the mobility initiative brought recognition and paved the way for enhanced Mobility solutions through the creation of the Region 8 Mobility Solution Center (R8MSC).Housed and operated within Perry County Mobility Management, R8MSC serves 8 counties including Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry and Washington. Collaborating with R8MSC’s 5 mobility managers, the region has developed and implemented a data base  of regional mobility resources that serves to deliver travel options for Southeastern Ohio.


Partnership and collaboration are key in serving our communities in the best manner possible!